020 3918 4735

Hair Salon SEO

In the UK, the total number of hairdressers has declined since 2021, sitting at an estimated 114,300 in the third quarter of 2024. At the same time, this is a marked increase from the 109,700 in the third quarter of the previous year, showing that the industry is in flux and that the environment is different than it was a short while ago.

So, how can you find stability, grow your customer base, and consistently succeed amid all that change?

Digital Glory’s hair salon SEO services can take you there.

We’ll go into all the details you need right here, showing you what we do and why we’re confident we can help you. At the end of this page, we’ll share the answers to some common questions as well, so you’ll become a real expert by the time you finish reading. Ready? Let’s get started.

What is hair salon SEO?

SEO is short for search engine optimisation. It’s a technique that targets search engine algorithms, giving them what they need in order to rank your web pages more highly in search results for relevant terms.

For example, if someone looks up ‘hairdresser near me’, the goal of SEO would be for you to show up in the top few results.

In SEO, search terms are also called keywords. Here are some sample keywords for hair salons:

“hair salon near me”

“best hair salon in my city”

“curly hair salons in my area”

“hairdresser for men”

“wedding hairdressers”

At Digital Glory, we ensure your website has everything it takes to rank highly and appeal to both customers and search engine algorithms. This gets you noticed and builds your brand – but more on that later.


Some agencies focus exclusively on one or two types of SEO, but that’s just not us. We offer the full range of SEO aspects at Digital Glory – and we’ll tell you all about them right here.

hair salon SEO

Please note that our campaigns are customisable. While we’re very capable of putting together holistic SEO approaches, we can also adapt to only focus on one, two, or three of the following aspects if you’d prefer. It’s all up to you!

Local SEO

An area that’s very often crucial to hair salons and other in-person businesses is local SEO. This revolves around pushing the ranking of your Google My Business page as high as possible, such that it ranks within the top three results for local searches.

As a result, you’ll appear in the map pack, which is a preview of three of the best local results for a particular keyword.

Great local SEO, like the kind we offer, lets you be more visible to people who live near you, or ones who are out on the go and looking for a place to have their hair done. That’s very useful for building a long-term client base, as well as for securing last-minute bookings and walk-ins.

On-page SEO

Next, there’s the kind of SEO that pertains to what’s visible on your web pages. From written content to URLs, we can optimise all of it to ensure that your customers gain valuable information from web pages that the search engine algorithms rank highly.

Our content marketing specialists are also great at helping you get the most out of your on-page content. This means being able to retain visitors’ engagement and drive conversions much more easily.

Off-page SEO

Also referred to as backlinking, this involves creating a network of links to your website. Those backlinks need to be hosted on high-authority websites within your niche to get the best possible results.

Backlink networks are very important to search engine algorithms, which rank your pages more highly when they see that you’re linked to by reputable sites.

Plus, off-page SEO creates opportunities for customers to hear about you on other websites. That’s good for your brand reputation.

Technical SEO

If you’ve ever opened a website and found yourself sitting around, waiting for the page to load, you’ve encountered an example of poor technical SEO. This leads to frustrated visitors and plenty of people leaving without actually seeing your content.

Our team at Digital Glory takes care to ensure that your site’s technical SEO is perfected.

This involves adding schema, cutting down loading times, and adjusting for mobile-friendliness. That way, you’ll always provide the best possible experience to people who visit your site, inviting them to stay and encouraging them to return when they do leave.


Okay, we’ve cleared up what’s involved in our successful hair salon SEO campaigns. But why should you invest in one?

We’ve listed out the major advantages that come with choosing a Digital Glory SEO campaign right here.

Drive your organic traffic up

Our campaigns let you target the keywords that matter to you. This means you’ll show up higher in the search result rankings for those terms, allowing you to more easily reach the people who are looking them up.

Those people make up your organic traffic, or traffic that comes from people finding you on their own without clicking on a paid ad.

Our SEO improvements will see more people finding and clicking on your site. They’ll also help you keep those people interested once they find you, as your site will be easy to use and filled with high-value content that helps drive conversions.

Grow your customer base

On the topic of conversions, our campaigns are great for expanding your pool of customers. Whether they’re visitors to your area looking for a one-off cut, or locals searching for their next go-to haircut spot, we can help you convert more of your site’s visitors into paying customers.

That’s because more of your organic traffic will consist of people with high buying intent. Think about it this way: if you wanted to get a layered bob with colourful highlights and you entered that into a search engine like Google, you’d be inclined to choose one of the options that shows up as a result, right? That’s why you chose your search term to begin with.

It’s the same for your customers. The better optimised your site is for your target keywords, the easier it will be to turn organic visitors into paying customers.

Outdo the competition

It’s sad, but true: not everyone can win at the game of SEO. The coveted first page of Google’s search results is where the vast majority of people end up finding the business they’ll pick, and that first page doesn’t have infinite space.

Google only has room for the best hair salons at the top of its search results. So, by proving that you’re part of those best salons, you can directly outperform your competition.

That means drawing in customers that could otherwise have gone to your competitors, creating a stronger base of loyal customers, and thriving within your niche.

Get started quickly

At Digital Glory, we can work with websites of all kinds of sizes and scopes. Therefore, if you want to get started with us, we only ask that you have some manner of website set up.

That’s it as far as barriers to entry go!

A well-established website can always be polished up and adjusted to properly target your SEO keywords. On the other hand, a brand-new website with barely any content can always be added to and expanded to properly reflect your business and its strengths.

And we can do either one, no problem.

See ongoing ROI

Our effective campaigns let you achieve the search result rankings you’re after – and then keep them with relatively little effort.

This means you’ll keep seeing organic traffic coming in, as well as a greater proportion of site visitors becoming customers. As long as you stay in your ranking position, you’ll easily retain your lead on the competition.

Therefore, you’ll find that your business gets to secure continuity and prosperity for a long time to come. So in short, our campaigns come with long-term ROI (return on investment).

Stay on top of today’s trends

It feels like not so very long ago now that you could go out, hand out some flyers or put an ad in a magazine, and watch the customers come rolling in. But those days are behind us.

With the advent of the digital era, people are spending more and more of their time online. That means that if you don’t adapt to the digital trend, you risk losing out on a lot of customers who simply wouldn’t pick up a newspaper or glance twice at a billboard otherwise.

Our SEO campaigns let you capitalise on the public’s growing love for the internet. They also let you respond quickly when online trends shift, such as by putting out content or adding packages for the latest haircut of the season.


When you need an SEO upgrade for your hair salon’s website, Digital Glory is the right agency for you. We’ll always give you the best experience and, of course, results.

Here’s what makes us special.

Experienced with all kinds of businesses

We know that no two hair salons are the same. Some might be tiny and local, while others could be large branches of major international chains like Toni&Guy. We can confidently say that we’re ready to cater to the needs of any salon.

seo for hair salons

We’re experienced at working with the smallest businesses, as well as large corporations, and we understand that each has its own requirements. So, whether you’re a solo hairstylist who travels directly to customers’ houses or part of a huge company, we can help you out.

Plus, we can work with people based just about anywhere from our headquarters in London!

Dedicated to thorough research

At Digital Glory, we’re allergic to the idea that one single approach works for everyone. Like we said, all businesses are unique, and they deserve to be treated as such.

That’s why we always take the time to do plenty of research before we start an SEO campaign.

We don’t just mean keyword research either. Rather, we take the time to understand what your niche is all about and how you can truly shine within it, ensuring that our approach is adjusted perfectly to it.

Committed to flexibility and adaptability

If you’re after a comprehensive package, we’ve got you covered. If you’d only like someone to handle your local SEO for you, we can do that too. Or if you’d like us to work on everything but on-site content, that’s perfectly fine!

In a word, we’re flexible. We believe in crafting a campaign that’s uniquely suited to your needs and expectations, such that you always get the best results.

That’s why we’re also experts at other aspects of digital marketing, including content marketing, online reputation management, digital PR, and more. Whatever you need to succeed, we’re happy to provide it.

Let’s connect

Are you ready to watch your business thrive like never before? We can’t wait. You can fill in the form below or call us on +44 (0)20 3918 4735 to discuss how our hair salon SEO campaigns can transform your business for the better.



    If you’re here to look for quick answers to some pressing questions, look no further. We’ve gathered some of the most frequently asked questions in one convenient location, so that you can get all the resolutions you need right away. Let’s jump in!

    How do I attract customers to my hair salon?

    This is all about effective marketing. You’re looking to essentially advertise your salon and all of its unique selling points, including the types of cuts or techniques you specialise in, so that people who are after those services can easily find you.

    Our SEO campaigns at Digital Glory are perfect for exactly this.

    SEO is a sustainable type of digital marketing that continuously attracts new customers on an ongoing basis, ensuring that your hair salon keeps seeing a steady flow of customers.

    Can I do marketing without SEO?

    It’s possible to do so, yes. However, when you prioritise other areas of marketing, you lose out on any customers searching for hair salons online… which is quite a lot of them. That’s not the most sustainable of business models.

    Plus, by investing in SEO with Digital Glory, you can ensure that all of your customers – even those who find you in person – have access to a comprehensive resource that lists your offerings, prices, and professionals. This helps them make choices ahead of time, creating a better haircut experience and making it easier to convert those customers into regulars.

    How do I drive conversions on my website?

    To do this well, your website has to be three things: high-value, persuasive, and user-friendly.

    By that, we mean that spammy pages that keep urging customers to buy, buy, buy are not the best at driving conversions. They’re better at driving up tempers.

    On the other hand, high-quality pages detailing which services you offer and what sorts of results customers can expect are much better at encouraging people to make a purchase. We can help you achieve that high-value feel for your site.

    Your on-site copy should also be persuasive, assuring customers that they’ll get fantastic haircuts at your salon. (That’s another of our specialties!)

    Lastly, your site should be easy to use and navigate, regardless of which device a customer is using. As we mentioned earlier, we make this happen in the process of optimising your technical SEO.

    Are all aspects of SEO equally important?

    In theory, yes. In practice, salons with a huge local presence who don’t count on getting out-of-town customers in often are going to value local SEO more highly, for example.

    All aspects of SEO are necessary, and they all work together to get you the best possible search rankings. You can’t ignore technical SEO just because it’s not ‘visible’, for example. However, individual businesses may value some aspects of SEO more highly than others.

    Do I need an agency for SEO?

    While it’s possible to do some SEO on your own, it’s not highly recommended. That’s because a professional agency like Digital Glory will simply get you better results in less time, with fewer resources being invested.

    It’s comparable to the wave of people who tried their best to cut their own hair, or their loved ones’ hair, during the lockdowns. Some pulled it off, yes – but many didn’t, and those who did a passable job often ended up with cuts that were much shorter or choppier than planned.

    In the same way, doing SEO on your own can easily backfire if you don’t have the necessary experience to do it perfectly the first time. That’s why going for an agency from the outset is an overall better, more sustainable option – especially if you choose Digital Glory for our highly successful and customisable campaigns.