020 3918 4735

Roofer SEO

In 2025, the roofing industry is expected to reach a market size of just over $318 billion in USD – a sure sign that roofers are, and will continue to be, in high demand. Between providing weather-proof roofs for new builds, repairing existing ones, and re-roofing buildings as part of renovation efforts, roofers have their work cut out for them.

This makes roofer SEO more essential now than ever before.

We’ll be exploring this topic at length here, including why you should consider investing in roofing company SEO and how our SEO process works at Digital Glory.

First, of course, we’ll take you through a definition.

What is roofing SEO?

SEO is short for search engine optimisation, the process by which website owners ensure that their sites get a place as high up in the search results for relevant keywords as possible.

It’s a multifaceted process that includes a lot of different sub-processes – we’ll look into those shortly.

For now, it’s enough to say that the SEO process is all about ensuring that a website is great for both human users and search engine algorithms.

Digital Glory’s roofer SEO process involves applying those same principles to roofing company websites. It’s focused on helping your roofing business rank as highly as possible compared to your competitors when prospective customers take to the internet to research roofers.

Here are some examples of roofing-related keywords we might investigate and help you rank for:

“Roofing company near me”

“Roofer near me”

“Best roofers for new builds”

“Flat roofer in my city”


Next, we’ll elaborate on the individual aspects that comprise the SEO process. Each of these is useful and relevant to roofing companies, making them worth knowing about for you.

On-page SEO

This is what people often think of when they hear the term “SEO”. On-page SEO is focused on everything you can see on a web page, from the URL to the text to the images and well beyond.

To optimise on-page SEO, experts tailor the content to what the search engine algorithms look for. That includes strategic keyword placement, for example.

roofer seo

Technical SEO

Something people who aren’t experienced in SEO often struggle with is technical SEO, which is all about optimising the technical side of your website and its pages.

At Digital Glory, technical SEO is a major focus. That’s because we think it’s crucial to ensure that your website runs as smoothly as possible and works well across all devices – otherwise, you risk alienating potential clients who may find you on their mobile devices or tablets.

Local SEO

If you’ve ever searched for a restaurant, service, or business near your physical location, you’ve seen local SEO in action.

This is about your Google My Business page and its rankings in local searches, such as “roofer near me” or “best roofers in (the name of your city)”. Good local SEO work should ensure you rank in the top three results, so your business is highlighted above those of your lower-ranking competitors.

Off-page SEO

Lastly, off-page SEO isn’t something you can work on within the confines of your website. It’s focused on creating backlinks and ensuring that high-authority websites link to yours.

This sends signals to search engine algorithms that your website is also authoritative and deserves to climb in the search results for your target keywords.

A high-authority website is one that ranks highly on Google (and similar search engines) for a vast quantity of keywords. Wikipedia or the BBC might be very high-authority, for example, while someone’s personal blog that has almost no followers would be much, much lower-authority.


At Digital Glory, we understand that businesses of all sizes have limited resources, especially smaller businesses. That’s why we wouldn’t ask you to invest in a product or service that won’t serve you.

We believe strongly that roofer SEO is worth the effort and resources. Here are the main reasons why.

Attracting new clients

When you rank more highly in search results, your website will be seen by more customers. That means that anyone who wants to find a roofer near them can see you before they see other companies that are in direct competition with you – making it likelier that you’ll snag the customers before others can.

Drawing in more organic traffic also means that you’ll be seeing more qualified leads on your page.

Organic vs paid traffic

Let’s clarify something quickly. Organic traffic is the kind that comes about without you paying for the site visitors, while paid traffic is the kind you get from people clicking on your pay-per-click ads.

Organic traffic is often higher-quality, as it’s made up of people who are already interested in your services.

Qualified vs unqualified leads

A qualified lead is someone who’s very likely to become your customer. They might need roofers already, or be planning a project that will require the aid of a roofer.

On the other hand, unqualified leads aren’t likely to convert. They might be looking at your website for reasons other than becoming customers, or they could have clicked on your page by accident. They may also include people who would like to become homeowners someday, but don’t currently have a home for which they would need your services.

Fortunately, organic traffic contains proportionally more qualified leads.

Keeping ahead of the competition

Only so many people can land a spot on the first page of search engine results – and everyone else who’s also in the roofing business wants to do so.

When you grab a spot on that coveted first page, you’re directly proving that your company is outranking your competitors. That means you’ll be on the way to becoming a market leader.

With Digital Glory, this is easier to achieve. We’re great at helping you stay competitive!

Getting good results quickly

With every round of SEO optimisations comes a fresh chance to boost your rankings.

That means that as soon as any improvements are implemented, you can start to see strong results right away. And once the full SEO campaign is complete, your website can climb rankings quickly – often even overnight.

The best part is that those immediate results aren’t exhaustive either. You can often keep seeing improvement for a good while after the campaign is complete.

Choosing a cost-effective option

By nature, SEO is more cost-effective. That’s because PPC (pay per click) ads charge you a fixed cost for every new click your ads get – meaning you can’t accurately budget for it or be concretely “done” paying if you want the ad to stay effective.

Also, paid ads charge a fee for every minute they spend being active. The moment you stop paying, the ad stops working.

SEO, on the other hand, doesn’t come with all these added fees. When you choose a company like Digital Glory, we do the SEO work and then let you reap the benefits without paying us anew each time your site is clicked on.


Next, we’ll take you through the typical SEO process at Digital Glory.

Our average strategy involves five major steps, though we can always customise and adjust these to your needs.

roofing contractor seo

Keyword research

We always begin by doing our research. The criteria for good keywords to optimise for are as follows:

-Good monthly traffic

-Reasonable level of competitiveness

-Strong search intent

We also make sure to narrow down the list to keywords that can reasonably be included in sentences – so something like “best roofers” might work, but something like “roofers construction many options” might not. That way, we can ensure that your web pages read well to humans.

Content creation or editing

Next, we start looking at the content on your pages. If you’ve already got quite a lot, we typically focus on editing what you’ve got and SEO optimising it.

On the other hand, if you have relatively few pages or they’re relatively content-light, we can employ our SEO copywriting expertise to create top-quality written content for you.

Technical SEO work

After that, we look at the technical side of your website. We often work on making your pages more mobile-friendly, as this can benefit any roofer website.

We can also add schema, improve your loading times, and much more. It depends on what your pages need and what they may be missing.

Off-page SEO work

We then start working on off-page SEO, which generally also involves searching for the right websites to establish backlinking relationships with. We prefer to use websites that are relevant to your niche as well as high-authority, so that on top of boosting your search algorithm appeal, you gain the chance for humans to find you via those backlinks.

Ongoing improvements

Lastly, we monitor your campaign as it progresses to ensure that you get the best possible results. If there are changes we can make to get better results, we like to ensure that we spot and make them right away.

We also continuously check back to see whether our upgrades are yielding the expected results. If they’re not, we work out why and make sure you get the results you’re aiming for


When you’re looking for the best roofing SEO company, Digital Glory is what you’re seeking. We’re ready to help you achieve your business goals and enjoy amazing results.

Here’s what makes us special.

We understand the needs of local and international businesses

Some SEO companies focus on either local or international companies.

Not us.

We’re experienced at working with customers from all over the world, from our own London to many places much further afield. If you’re also London-based, we can come to your place of operations and meet you there for some face-to-face connection.

If you’re not London-based, or your company primarily operates online instead of from a physical office, that’s also no problem for us. We’re happy to talk via video calls and messaging services to offer you the best experience no matter where you’re located.

We can work with businesses of all sizes

We’re also experienced at working with small businesses, large enterprises, and every size of company in between.

Thanks to this experience, we can work with any company to help meet their SEO goals. If you only have the capacity to work on local SEO for now, for example, that’s fine with us. On the other hand, if you’re looking for a comprehensive SEO overhaul, we can do that too.

We know how to accommodate your needs

Digital Glory is flexible. We outlined our usual SEO approach earlier – but this can be adjusted to suit exactly what you’re looking for!

No matter what you may need, we can provide it for you. Simply chat to us and we can help you put together the ideal SEO plan that will make your business goals a reality and help you outshine the competition at every turn.

Plus, we tailor each of our campaigns specifically to you, ensuring we do research on your niche to truly understand your needs and the challenges you face. This lets us deliver the best results every time.

Contact us

We can’t wait to hear from you. Contact us by filling in the form below or give us a call on +44 (0)20 3918 4735 to start your roofer SEO journey today!



    We’d like to close out by answering some of the most common questions associated with roofer SEO.

    Is SEO still relevant in 2025?

    Yes, SEO is still very much relevant today. As long as people continue to search for information, goods, and services online, SEO will continue to matter. That means that until Google stops operating, there will keep being a place for SEO.

    Does SEO work for roofing businesses?

    It certainly does. SEO can help any company climb in search result rankings – including roofers. There will most likely be at least a few major roofing companies in any city, so that means SEO can help your roofing business stand out among the competition.

    Is paid SEO worth it?

    That depends on the results you want to achieve. Paid SEO (as in, SEO for which you pay people) is fantastic for companies that want to make a huge difference in their online rankings. If you’re only looking to make minor changes and aren’t overly concerned with strong ROI or long-lasting results, paid SEO might not be worth it.

    So, in short: paid SEO is worth it for anyone looking to enjoy excellent results.

    Can I do SEO without relying on experts?

    Theoretically, yes, in the same way that homeowners can do their own roofing. The results might be questionable and you may need to call in experts later anyway, but it is possible to do SEO work on your own.

    With that said, bringing in experts from day one means you’re not creating new issues for those experts to then fix – again, much like with roofing.