020 3918 4735

SEO for Photographers

In the first quarter of 2024, the number of photographers and audio-visual equipment operators was estimated to have exceeded 100,000. That’s a well-saturated and competitive market full of plenty of highly skilled professionals, all of whom rely on connecting with the right customers to help their business thrive.

So, how can they make those connections happen?

This is where SEO for photographers shines. It’s a highly useful branch of digital marketing – and when you choose Digital Glory as your SEO provider, you’ll quickly find that it’s very effective too.

We’ll explore everything you need to know about SEO in this complete and comprehensive guide. Read on to learn more!


We’re in the business of selling robust SEO campaigns – but what does that mean? We’ll break down the most important things you should know about SEO for photographers right here.

What is SEO for photographers?

First and foremost, we’ll be providing a definition. SEO is short for search engine optimisation, and accordingly, it’s concerned with how you rank in search results.

More specifically, SEO focuses on ensuring that customers can easily find you via search engines like Google. Our SEO campaigns ensure that you rise to the top within your niche, helping you attract customers and outperform your competitors.

What are keywords and how do you choose them?

Keywords are terms that relate to you, your brand, and your niche. They’re usually either included within, or identical matches to, terms that people will look up on the internet.

Here are some sample keywords within the field of photography:

“Wedding photographer in my area”

“Photographers near me”

“Portrait photographers”

“Best event photographers”

Keywords can be short or long, and can vary greatly in how specific they are. Broadly speaking, very short and general keywords are highly competitive – it’s very, very challenging to rank for a term like “photography” because millions of people worldwide have websites that relate to it.

At Digital Glory, we’re happy to help you choose keywords to optimise for. These need to fit our criteria, which are as follows:

High search intent (lots people are looking it up)

High purchase intent (people who look it up are likely to want to pay for your services)

Achievable ranking (it should be feasible to rank well for the term)

Who needs SEO?

These days, just about every business with any degree of online presence can benefit from SEO. And that’s no exaggeration!

As mentioned, SEO makes you easier to find online, which means you’ll have access to more potential customers. Any business can benefit from having more prospective customers, so SEO is useful to just about all of them.

It’s particularly important if you largely rely on securing clients online, as many photographers do.

How can Digital Glory help?

The team at Digital Glory has all the SEO expertise you need to succeed at digital marketing. We’ll help you put together a bespoke campaign that covers every aspect you want it to – but we’ll get into all of that shortly.

For now, all you need to know is that Digital Glory is fantastic at SEO and can help you with your photography SEO needs.


So, what does SEO look like in practice? At Digital Glory, our comprehensive campaigns include the four major components of SEO.

Here’s some key details on all of those.

On-page SEO

First, there’s the things your audience can see when they open your website. URLs, written content, videos, and pictures all count under the umbrella of on-page SEO.

Of course, for photographers, there are bound to be a lot of photos involved! At Digital Glory, we’re great at helping you put together cohesive text surrounding your portfolio(s) and adding alternate tags to your photos for better search engine result rankings.

seo for photographers

Off-page SEO

Based on creating a network of backlinks, off-page SEO is often forgotten but nonetheless crucial to SEO success. It centres on the idea of having high-authority websites within your niche include links to your site.

This is very important to search engine algorithms. When the algorithms see that authoritative websites link to yours, they’ll send signals that your site should climb for relevant keywords.

We always create highly relevant backlinks for you, ensuring that your links are hosted on reputable and relevant websites. This ensures that your backlink network remains viable for a long time to come.

Technical SEO

Next, there’s technical SEO. It’s a little like backstage work. Despite being invisible to the average visitor to your website, it helps the site itself run as smoothly and seamlessly as possible.

Digital Glory’s technical SEO process involves optimising your load times, adding schema, and ensuring mobile-friendliness.

Local SEO

We also make sure to work on your local SEO, which happens in the form of optimising your Google My Business page. That way, you’ll be able to be included in the map pack (the top three results) for local searches.

Local SEO attracts people looking for services that are located within physical proximity to them. Therefore, optimising this helps you connect with customers whom you can meet with in person, making it essential in establishing a local network of clients.


The question you’re likely asking yourself is: what’s the real advantage of investing in SEO for photographers? We’ve got you covered. These are the main benefits that come with choosing a Digital Glory SEO campaign for your SEO needs.

Attract more organic traffic

Perhaps the biggest draw of our SEO campaigns is that they help you bring in more organic traffic, or site visitors who looked up relevant search terms on their own without clicking on a paid ad.

These people are already after your services, as you can tell from the fact that they were searching for relevant keywords. You can make a positive impression on them by turning up often in their research, ensuring that they have an idea of you as a market leader before they even click on your site.

Boost conversions

Our campaigns bring you a greater quantity of organic traffic, which is full of people who are looking for the kinds of photography services you offer. That means your new audience will have more people than ever who are ready to be converted into paying customers.

With our excellent copywriting services, you’ll also easily be able to retain their attention and persuade them to make that first purchase.

Stand out in your niche

When your site outranks those of your competitors, you’ll have an easier time attracting new customers – and standing out among the other options they could go with. This goes doubly for sites that can outdo the competition for multiple keywords, which is something we can help with.

Enjoy quick results

As soon as we start making SEO improvements, your website should begin to climb in search result rankings. That means you’ll see good results in little time.

And the more upgrades we implement, the better those results will be. That’s why, when you choose Digital Glory, that initial boost in rankings just keeps coming back to boost you even further.

See ongoing ROI

ROI (return on investment) is a metric that’s very important to us. We want you to always feel that your investment in us was well worth it, which is why we take care to ensure that you continue to see returns on it.

Once our campaign is complete, your website will be able to retain its high rankings with relatively little input on your end. As a result, you’ll keep seeing more customers who found your website and were very impressed with it, securing business continuity and ongoing ROI.

Benefit from a low barrier to entry

Our expert team can work its magic on any kind of website. Whether you’ve got a brand-new one that you just put together yesterday, or a well-established website that you’ve been working on for years, we can start work as soon as we have access to it.

So, in other words, your only barrier to entry is… having a website.

Keep ahead of contemporary trends

The days of taking out an ad in the local newspaper and seeing massive returns as a result are behind us. The space where everyone’s spending their time is the digital one – meaning that your potential customers are searching for photographers online.

By investing in one of our effective SEO campaigns, you’re meeting them there. This makes for more effective advertising and lets you stay on top of modern trends in advertising and marketing.


So, what does a Digital Glory SEO campaign look like? Here’s a sneak peek into our process in the form of a general outline we like to follow.

Please note that we’re always happy to adjust our process to your needs. For example, if you’re not interested in technical SEO at this time, that’s no problem – we’ll simply drop that step when we craft and implement your SEO campaign.

photographers seo

1.  Keyword research

Our campaigns always begin with extensive research. This lets us understand the nature of your niche, including what your competitors are doing and what it takes to succeed in terms of SEO.

It also helps us narrow down the best keywords to focus on for your business.

Thorough research lets us determine the shape of the rest of your bespoke campaign as well. That’s because it clarifies what’s most important within your specific niche.

2.  Content, content, content

This step is split into two parts: writing and editing. The order in which they’re done depends on the needs of your business and site.

If your website needs any new content, we craft this for you. That way, your pages grow and increase in value, as they’ll have more to offer to visitors.

If you’ve already got some content, we also focus on editing and improving it for you. This lets us preserve the valuable information you’d like to convey to your prospective customers, all while improving your site’s appeal to the search engine algorithms.

3.  Perfecting the tech side

After that, we start working on the technical SEO component. This involves looking at your website and narrowing down a list of things we can improve to ensure it runs as well as it possibly can.

Depending on the scope of your website, this step can be quite quick or rather time-consuming. In any case, you can rest assured that when we’re done fixing it up, your site will run very well and look great across all manner of devices.

4.  Building backlinks

Our penultimate step is to put together a robust network of backlinks for you – or, in other words, to handle the off-page SEO aspect of the campaign.

We do this close to the end of the campaign for a simple, tactical reason: we want your website to be as appealing as possible to potential backlink hosts. A well-optimised site that’s rich in valuable content will provide an attractive option for backlink hosts, ensuring that you’re able to connect with the right people and site hosts in your niche.

Plus, if your future customers follow the links hosted on other sites, you want them to see something they’ll be impressed with. This helps keep them engaged and makes it easier for you to drive conversions.

5.  Careful monitoring

Finally, we ensure that our campaigns always end with us keeping a close eye on the progress of things. This involves monitoring which changes are yielding which results, as well as searching for opportunities for improvement.

This is vitally important to us because it allows us to keep finding ways to get you better results.

It also means we’ve got the means to make quick changes in the event of something not working out. When we pay close attention, we always spot small blips that could add up to bigger problems if they’re left unaddressed.

That way, we can ensure that your campaign runs smoothly and gets you the outcomes you’re after.


We’re the right choice for your photography SEO needs, and we’re ready to prove it. Here’s what makes us the ideal partner for you in terms of SEO.

We know everything about digital marketing

It’s true that we’re skilled at everything to do with SEO. It’s also true that that’s not all Digital Glory is known for!

We’re also great at the following:

Online reputation management

Content marketing

Conducting SEO audits

Digital PR

Web development

… and everything else with a connection to digital marketing. If you need a comprehensive digital marketing overhaul, we’re happy to provide this and deliver the best possible results for you.

seo agency for photographers

We can work with all kinds of businesses

Whether you’re an independent solo photographer or part of a huge photography business, we’re willing and able to help you. That’s because we’re experienced at working with businesses of all sizes – and we know how to cater to the needs of each one.

We’re also good at working with clients located just about anywhere. If you’re based in London and would prefer to meet in person, we’ll gladly do this. Otherwise, we can talk online and collaborate with you no matter where you’re located, including elsewhere in the UK and abroad.

We really do our research

At Digital Glory, you’re our number-one priority, and we don’t mean that in the abstract sense. We make sure to always understand how best to support you in your online marketing needs so that we can deliver the strongest results every time.

That means we put a lot of work into doing as much research as we need to fully grasp the nature of your niche. This lets us deliver tailored, targeted campaigns that are never one-size-fits-all.

Connect with us

We’re here to help you take your photography business to new heights. You can reach us by filling in the form below or calling +44 (0)20 3918 4735 – just let us know you’re after SEO for photographers and we can start charting your path to online success together.



    Finally, we’ll be addressing some of the most important and prominent questions associated with SEO for photographers. Many of these are also addressed in the content of this page, so for more details, feel free to scroll back up.

    What is SEO for photographers?

    This is all about helping your future customers find you online when they turn to search engines like Google, DuckDuckGo, or Bing.

    SEO focuses on deliberately targeting keywords that relate to your niche within photography. That way, you can reach better search rankings for those terms, which then makes it easier for you to be seen by people who are searching for your services.

    In short, it’s a type of digital marketing that’s geared towards achieving greater visibility in search engine results.

    How do photographers get noticed?

    They can do this in a few different ways, though they primarily boil down to in-person marketing and digital marketing. Photographers can spend time and effort building up their in-person network, ensuring that they’re able to secure clients by simply knowing the right people. They can also put that energy towards digital marketing to connect with people who might not necessarily be friends with their friends.

    In other words, photographs can mainly get noticed online or face-to-face.

    Can I do SEO by myself?

    It’s possible to do SEO by yourself… just as it’s possible for your clients to take their own photos. And in both cases, the results are often not going to be of the desired quality.

    That’s because, much like photography, SEO is a complex process that involves a lot of steps, skills, and knowledge. You could choose to become an expert, of course – but you’d likely have too little time left over to devote to photography as you learn.

    Hence, while you can do SEO by yourself, it’s a better idea to invest in an expert agency like Digital Glory.

    Should I do SEO or PPC?

    These two forms of digital marketing serve rather different purposes. Where SEO focuses on long-term changes and associated ROI, PPC (pay-per-click) is great for short-term exposure and/or time-limited promotions.

    With that said, SEO is always an excellent choice. Even if PPC is right for you in particular instances, it’s still valuable to have a high-ranking website that prospective customers can easily find. Therefore, doing SEO alone or in combination with PPC is generally a better move than relying exclusively on PPC.

    Why is SEO so difficult?

    Search engine algorithms are always changing and evolving. What works at one point may net you a penalty a few months later, and what’s important today could become a low priority within the next two years. This makes it tough for people who aren’t SEO experts by profession to stay on top of the often-sudden fluctuations associated with the practice.

    Also, SEO is, by nature, a game not everyone can win. The first few pages of Google’s search results only have room for so many pages. This means you’re in direct competition with everyone else in your niche for every keyword you optimise for.

    It’s also true that there’s a lot of processes involved in SEO. That means that even if you’re great at technical SEO, for example, there are still whole practices you might not be experienced with. This greatly contributes to the difficulty of SEO as a field.

    Are there any disadvantages of SEO?

    While SEO campaigns like the ones we offer at Digital Glory do bring long-lasting results, as mentioned, SEO does keep changing. This means that achieving the top ranking for your chosen keywords is not the same as keeping those rankings.

    So, to summarise, you’ll occasionally need to update your pages to account for changes in SEO protocols.

    What is bad for SEO?

    Search engine algorithms hate spam – and so do the people looking up search terms. That’s why keyword stuffing is simply pointless today, and why Google doesn’t like to promote websites that keep recycling their content across multiple web pages.

    The algorithms also aren’t fond of sparse pages that offer little value. Their goal is to deliver high-quality pages that satisfy searchers’ needs, so pages with little in the way of this won’t rank as highly.

    Lastly, if your site uses black-hat SEO, it’s likely to end up penalised. Black-hat SEO is the bad counterpart to white-hat SEO, which is the kind we do at Digital Glory. Where our white-hat practices are sustainable and great at securing long-term growth, black-hat practices focus on giving you a short-term boost… using questionable methods like spammy links and unreliable backlink networks. The result is almost always the same: a Google penalty and a sudden plummet in search result rankings.

    Is SEO really worth it?

    Yes, we’re very confident in saying that it is.

    SEO is your ticket to online visibility. With it, you’ll easily draw in online customers who love your work and specifically want to hire you for your photography skills. Impress those customers and you’ll have long-term loyalists who keep coming back to you.

    Without SEO, you miss out on these valuable connections. That’s bad for business. It’s also more or less the same thing as letting your competitors snap up the very customers who are looking for you.

    So, SEO is very much worth it – every time.