Finally, we’ll be addressing some of the most important and prominent questions associated with SEO for photographers. Many of these are also addressed in the content of this page, so for more details, feel free to scroll back up.
What is SEO for photographers?
This is all about helping your future customers find you online when they turn to search engines like Google, DuckDuckGo, or Bing.
SEO focuses on deliberately targeting keywords that relate to your niche within photography. That way, you can reach better search rankings for those terms, which then makes it easier for you to be seen by people who are searching for your services.
In short, it’s a type of digital marketing that’s geared towards achieving greater visibility in search engine results.
How do photographers get noticed?
They can do this in a few different ways, though they primarily boil down to in-person marketing and digital marketing. Photographers can spend time and effort building up their in-person network, ensuring that they’re able to secure clients by simply knowing the right people. They can also put that energy towards digital marketing to connect with people who might not necessarily be friends with their friends.
In other words, photographs can mainly get noticed online or face-to-face.
Can I do SEO by myself?
It’s possible to do SEO by yourself… just as it’s possible for your clients to take their own photos. And in both cases, the results are often not going to be of the desired quality.
That’s because, much like photography, SEO is a complex process that involves a lot of steps, skills, and knowledge. You could choose to become an expert, of course – but you’d likely have too little time left over to devote to photography as you learn.
Hence, while you can do SEO by yourself, it’s a better idea to invest in an expert agency like Digital Glory.
Should I do SEO or PPC?
These two forms of digital marketing serve rather different purposes. Where SEO focuses on long-term changes and associated ROI, PPC (pay-per-click) is great for short-term exposure and/or time-limited promotions.
With that said, SEO is always an excellent choice. Even if PPC is right for you in particular instances, it’s still valuable to have a high-ranking website that prospective customers can easily find. Therefore, doing SEO alone or in combination with PPC is generally a better move than relying exclusively on PPC.
Why is SEO so difficult?
Search engine algorithms are always changing and evolving. What works at one point may net you a penalty a few months later, and what’s important today could become a low priority within the next two years. This makes it tough for people who aren’t SEO experts by profession to stay on top of the often-sudden fluctuations associated with the practice.
Also, SEO is, by nature, a game not everyone can win. The first few pages of Google’s search results only have room for so many pages. This means you’re in direct competition with everyone else in your niche for every keyword you optimise for.
It’s also true that there’s a lot of processes involved in SEO. That means that even if you’re great at technical SEO, for example, there are still whole practices you might not be experienced with. This greatly contributes to the difficulty of SEO as a field.
Are there any disadvantages of SEO?
While SEO campaigns like the ones we offer at Digital Glory do bring long-lasting results, as mentioned, SEO does keep changing. This means that achieving the top ranking for your chosen keywords is not the same as keeping those rankings.
So, to summarise, you’ll occasionally need to update your pages to account for changes in SEO protocols.
What is bad for SEO?
Search engine algorithms hate spam – and so do the people looking up search terms. That’s why keyword stuffing is simply pointless today, and why Google doesn’t like to promote websites that keep recycling their content across multiple web pages.
The algorithms also aren’t fond of sparse pages that offer little value. Their goal is to deliver high-quality pages that satisfy searchers’ needs, so pages with little in the way of this won’t rank as highly.
Lastly, if your site uses black-hat SEO, it’s likely to end up penalised. Black-hat SEO is the bad counterpart to white-hat SEO, which is the kind we do at Digital Glory. Where our white-hat practices are sustainable and great at securing long-term growth, black-hat practices focus on giving you a short-term boost… using questionable methods like spammy links and unreliable backlink networks. The result is almost always the same: a Google penalty and a sudden plummet in search result rankings.
Is SEO really worth it?
Yes, we’re very confident in saying that it is.
SEO is your ticket to online visibility. With it, you’ll easily draw in online customers who love your work and specifically want to hire you for your photography skills. Impress those customers and you’ll have long-term loyalists who keep coming back to you.
Without SEO, you miss out on these valuable connections. That’s bad for business. It’s also more or less the same thing as letting your competitors snap up the very customers who are looking for you.
So, SEO is very much worth it – every time.